Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Everyone Needs a Life Coach!

I finally gave in to my frustrations and negative self talk and enlisted the help of a life coach. It never felt right to go see a shrink. I had a wonderful childhood and have the best parents and husband a girl could ask for. So what would we talk about (well, maybe the negative self talk?) Anyway, Carroll from Organic Blueprints is really helping me eliminate all the distracting chatter in my head and focus on what I want to do and what I am good at. In art school 20 years ago, we didn't take the Myers Briggs or any other personality tests. Those calculated, definable things were left to the psych and business students. But the truth is, there is some validity in them. And while I am not only or completely an ISFJ, seeing my traits, tendencies, and strengths on paper helps me own them. So I am not going to fantasize about going into Law or trying to be an anchor on the Today Show anymore. Lord knows we don't need more student loans to pay off. Stay tuned for the exciting future, including some ornaments and patterns like the ones here, and more to come in October on ETSY and at Strawberry Fields in Richmond.