Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Slow Down Star

I had a vision in college, woven into a strong feeing of connection with grandmothers never known, that like them I would someday sew. A lot. The trouble is, I don't like to measure. Usually, when I make something large enough to call itself a blanket it doesn't line up. I love to cut, and pin, and stitch. I prefer working with forgiving materials like felt, dough, and my sons hair. I do not like silk, it is very uptight and serious. Perhaps this hatred of measuring is a metaphor for something. Or maybe it has to do with not wanting to slow down and take my time. My daughter has been rushing to finish her work at school, missing problems she knows the answers to, so she can finish. I asked her what for, told her there is no prize for finishing first. What about getting absorbed in the process? Her teacher put a star on the corner of her desk to remind her to slow down. Then I turned the lens on myself. Our life of rushing doesn't model being slow, thoughtful, and engrossed. Now I have a red star on my sewing machine. Maybe I can slow down for her.

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